Lake Cecebe - a Touch of Paradise

About the Association

Cecebe Waterways is a cottagers’ association representing over 200 member families who are residents and/or landowners on Lake Cecebe.


Whether it’s the Regatta you would like to participate in or you want to know where to go for Canada Day Fireworks. This is where you’ll find the information


What’s happening in the Burks Falls area.

Current Fire Hazard Rating

Letter From The President

June 2023

Hi folks!

Here is an update on our confirmed events for 2023 and what your association has been working on. As of right now, we can confirm our Corn Roast & Regatta events for 2023. The Regatta will be on the August long weekend as per usual (August 5-6th) and the Corn Roast & Poker Run will be on August 19th.

If anyone has an interest in helping to plan/host our Golf Tournament for 2023 let us know. As of today, we don’t have a date confirmed for that event.

We are excited to share that we partnered with an environmental organization called the Almaguin Lakes and Watershed Association. We always hear from our members that the environment is a priority for all. This organization is an amalgamation of all the associations like ours located in the Almaguin Lakes region and the sole focus is discussing environmental concerns.

A focus for the association for this summer is to get refreshed information out to our area reps so we can share information with new folks on Lake Cecebe and ensure everyone is feeling included and knows about our events. If you have any interest in volunteering to be an area rep in our area of the lake, please let us know! We will be contacting all our area reps in the spring to make sure we have folks in the right spots.

We are looking forward to another great summer season. Thank you again for your support and see you on the lake this year!

Alex Mihan

Webcam image from Port Carmen Marina

Wondering how the weather looks at the lake? Have a look!

Port Carmen Marina Webcam Image

THANK YOU! To our Sponsors!