About the Association
Lake Cecebe Weather
Current Fire Hazard Rating

Letter From The President
Hello all,
Happy to see another beautiful spring on Lake Cecebe. I sat down to write this report and I was
reminded of a time, 6 years ago, when I sat down to write my first President’s Report after I took
over for Norm Cameron as President. I had no clue what I was doing or what to put in a report,
but Norm was always so patient and helpful.
Norm was such an important part of what we did with the Waterways association. He was
passionate about ensuring we had great water quality, he would lend a hand any time someone
needed help, he had the best sense of humor, and always came in with a perfectly timed joke. I know his bagpipe songs will be missed on the lake during the summer.
I wanted to draw attention to a great event Logan Naftel has been planning. As some may know, non-road access properties are no longer covered by our local fire department. Logan has worked with Honda to get Cecebe members a great deal on water pumps and is putting on his third event with the local fire department to talk about fire safety and teach us how to use fire pumps. It should be a great time! Thanks to Logan for all of his efforts on this initiative.
Webcam image from Port Carmen Marina
Wondering how the weather looks at the lake? Have a look!